Cybersafety &

two girls sitting at computer

Recommended Age Group: K - Year 12

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Cybersafety & Bullying Speaker

The most sought after presentation for both Primary Schools and High Schools from 2016-2023 in Australia., Presented by Jonny Shannon. The audience will be drawn into this engaging talk by fun and memorable stories that don’t just tell, but also show students how they can proactively address the challenges of cyberbullying, online safety and building a digital footprint. This presentation addresses top issues with practical takeaways and is presented in positive and solutions-based ways.

The presentation covers but is not limited to;

Digital Footprint

Understanding the impact of your Digital Footprint, along with how to create and keep a positive online reputation in order to avoid any hindrances with future relationships, study and career opportunities.

Keeping Personal Information Private

Practical steps on how to identify and avoid Catfishing, Identity Theft and Online Stranger Danger, such as effective password creation, location setting disablement and how to report identified activity. More Here: Identify Theft & Cat-Fishing


From Emails, Texting, Online-Scams and scam phone calls; over 90% of Australian studies have received a text or phone call scam yet few know how to properly deal with this situation. More here: Email Phishing


(only for high school age) this section covers the laws relating to sending inappropriate images, how to report improper behaviour and the top apps students think are safe. Click here for more info on sexting.

Bullying & Cyber Bullying

How to handle confrontation in the form of Cyberbullying, including how to de-escalate an encounter, what you should and should not say, how to be a good bystander and how to report an incident. Bullying can be detrimental if not understood correctly. 

Screen & Gaming Addiction

Identifying how and why screens and gaming are so addictive and how to balance screen time and video games with positive alternatives. More here: Video Game Addiction

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to identify common online social and safety issues, along with how to address them quickly and effectively.

Australian Curriculum:

This presentation is tailored to the audience depending on age & outcomes. The presentation follows the Australian curriculum and the following outcomes are addressed according to Educational Analysis and consulting. 

Years 7-8

- Health and wellbeing (ACPPS074)

- Analyse factors that influence emotions, and develop strategies to demonstrate empathy and sensitivity (ACPPS075)

- Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing(ACPPS073)

Evaluates how student solutions and existing information systems meet needs, are innovative, and take account of future risks and sustainability (ACTDIP031)

Compares the ways that language and images are used to create character, and to influence emotions and opinions in different types of texts(ACELT1621)

Analyse's how the text structures and language features of persuasive texts, including media texts, vary according to the medium and mode of communication (ACELA1543)

Years 9-10

Proposes and evaluates responses in situations where external influences may impact on their ability to make healthy and safe choices (ACPPS092)

Investigates how empathy and ethical decision making contribute to respectful relationships (ACPPS093)

Evaluates situations and propose appropriate emotional responses and then reflect on possible outcomes of different responses (ACPPS094)

Analyses text structures and language features of literary texts, and make relevant comparisons with other texts (ACELT1772)Evaluate critically how student solutions and existing information systems and policies, take account of future risks and sustainability and provide opportunities for innovation and enterprise (ACTDIP042)

Evaluates the social, moral and ethical positions represented in texts (ACELT1812)

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